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So far BRADADMIN has created 3 blog entries.

What is Veterinary Teletriage?


Welcome to the confusing world of remote veterinary medicine, or virtual veterinary care.  In this series of three blog posts I hope to educate pet owners about this developing field. To be clear, or perhaps that is not the correct thing to say since at this point in time the delivery of remote veterinary care is anything but clear. 

What is Veterinary Teletriage?2019-12-02T14:38:02+00:00

What is veterinary Telehealthcare


Telehealthcare is an all-encompassing term that covers teletriage, teleadvice, teleconsulting and telemedicine.  In essence, veterinary telehealthcare represents a wide array of services whose common thread is that the delivery of the services is done virtually, or electronically.

What is veterinary Telehealthcare2019-12-02T14:38:11+00:00

What is veterinary Telemedicine


This is the hot topic! This is the subject that creates much debate on veterinary health care boards and amongst veterinarians and pet owners. 

What is veterinary Telemedicine2019-12-02T14:38:26+00:00